Helping Incorporate Research and Manual Techniques into your Massage Therapy Practice!
One problem that we all can be affected by as rehabilitation professionals is tunnel vision. We can lose sight of the structures affected by an injury or condition and we and our patients set our sights on attempting to attain pre-injury function, ROM and quality of life. The problem with this is that in some cases structure and biology has been altered preventing us from attaining this goal. When medical professionals fail to recognize this, there is an increased risk of harm that can occur to the patient.
In this video I discuss a case from my office where this was just the case. My patients was receiving rehabilitation from my self and another medical professional, from a different medical office, for a distal humeral comminuted fracture. The other medical rehab professional failed to recognize that structure had been altered along with having a stabilizing plate and pins surgically inserted, and they attempted to acquire pre-injury full elbow extension. The result of their attempt was further injury to the patient who then requires emergency surgery to correct the damage from that medical professionals treatment.
Enjoy the video, images and story!
Robert – – I am so intrigued by finding you and L.A.S.T. by the educational video done March 8th for ABMP’s World Massage Conference. I appreciate your respectfulness of other professions, your sharing of quality research, and attempts to make our massage therapy profession better. Kudos for the education you provide.
Thank You soooo much Allissa for your kind words! I greatly appreciate it!
Just came across this. What a horrific story!! Always a good reminder to listen to the tissue! Yikes.