This is a short but great video from my friend Dr. Robert Schleip. It explaining the intricacies of a tissue once discarded as packing material, but now is recognized as possibly the most important organ in our bodies.
Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique
This is a short but great video from my friend Dr. Robert Schleip. It explaining the intricacies of a tissue once discarded as packing material, but now is recognized as possibly the most important organ in our bodies.
THANK YOU so much for being interested in the 2020 LIVE Mentorship Series.
I’m sure your Patients appreciate your desire to continually advance your education and skill level.
The 2020 Mentorship Series is currently on hold until the BC Health Minister provides us permission to continue “in-Person” education.
For now, I’m saying “Thank You” with an amazing discount on the LAST Online Courses for you.
Enjoy the savings and lifetime access to the videos.
– Robert