Lower Body and Extremities Day 1-2 Take Away’s!
1. Emotional Responses are a very real occurrence when you target the enthuses. Emotions can be deeply rooted into the IOM and various ligamentoperiosteal enthuses. Informed consent is always needed before performing techniques where this is a very real possibility.
2. Being focused, specific, precise and present working with these principles is very effective and results can be immediate in some cases…. not all, but most. It’s important that after a change in environment of the patients physiology has been attained, to get the patient weight bearing and walking regardless of if the affected area is lower or upper body.
Integrate the change and continue the treatment.
3. The quieter the mind, the stiller the hands, the more we are able to perceive involuntary movement by the patients physiology.
Slow down and listen people!
I’m very privileged to have come into contact with these fantastic RMT’s from Not just Alberta, but also Yellowknife and BC.
Can’t wait until tomorrow’s class!
Stay tuned!