Lower Body and Extremities Day 3 Take Away’s!
1. LAST is Principle Based and is a Historically Innovative Evidence Informed Technique! In each course I tell the history of the development of the technique from it’s conception to me and the changes I’ve made, with the intention of only enhancing it through the addition of todays evidence informed research. Incorporating research into your practice & educating yourself is necessary to keep from having you stuck in a rut in your practice and getting complacent and bored!
2. LAST is not meant to be the only technique you use FOREVER!
There is NO technique that is perfect for everyone all the time for every stage of healing! Patients injuries and conditions respond best when a varied approach utilizing multiple, appropriate, intentional and specific techniques is utilized by the manual therapist(s).
3. Again – Slow down and listen people!
These techniques are not FAST…. At all! The Manual Therapist must be present, specific, precise, always monitoring the patients physiology for guidance and direction. Paying attention to the Reciprocal Tension of the tissues, working with the Mechanoreceptors at the Entheses, seeing changes take place through the Ligamentomuscular reflex all takes time and the direct attention of the Therapist.
I’m very privileged to have come into contact with these fantastic RMT’s from not just Alberta, but also Yellowknife and BC.
Thank you to Christy for having faith in me and allowing me the opportunity to express my passion for this profession! My goal has ALWAYS been to enhance, elevate, expand and excite this profession!
Excellence is expected!
Can’t wait to be in Kelowna next week!
Get Ready Kelowna RMT’s
Stay tuned!