Helping Incorporate Research and Manual Techniques into your Massage Therapy Practice!
It’s always appreciated when someone leaves you a nice testimonial.
I’m appreciative to everyone who has either contacted me through the web, by phone or in person to let me know how or what they thought about something I said, explained, or taught had affected them.
I truly feel that I am standing on the shoulders of giants most days as I am so privileged to use the knowledge of those around me and who have come before me in my practice.
Well today I received a really nice comment from an Dr. Rockwell Osteopath and it’s a huge deal to me.
Well about 17yrs ago I read a book by Rollin Becker D.O. titled “The Stillness of Life.” Dr. Beckers thoughts and observations about the body physiologic changed how I thought about what I was influencing as a manual therapist. The intent and influence of his words shaped how I applied my manual skills to my patients and how I approached their treatments and their management.
Dr. Beckers influence also reached into how I taught at the college level and still today plays a part in how I teach live and also online. Dr. Rockwell seems to have recognized this, and I’m appreciative of his observations and his kind words.
Robert’s online courses are the best. As an osteopath, and someone who met and took a class a long time ago with Dr. Becker, I can attest to the high-quality with which Robert presents this material. The quality of his videos, as well as the workbooks, are simply stunning. He also brings in his understanding of the neurology behind this work. As a teacher of dermoneuromodulation, I add that explanatory model to the mix, and thus feel very comfortable recommending Robert’s courses with two enthusiastic thumbs up.
So to end to day, I thought I’d pass along some thoughts that came up during my day of treating.
Todays TOP 5 Things to always remember:
1: The actions of 1 always affect the many
2: Your Influence is far reaching
3: We influence not only with our hands but also with how we communicate, the terminology and narrative we use and how we communicate information
4: Never forget the power of helping just 1 person
5: Always be a high performer and make a difference in someones life every day
I’d love to hear from you. If you would like to leave your own testimonial or comments, please feel free to leave them here:
Thank you to everyone for influencing me.
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