Since the late 1990’s I’ve constantly challenged myself to change the old inherited narrative (the Story) of Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique. Many of the books and texts instructing the “Myth and Trend” stories of how and why results were being seen, were completely unfounded, untrue and in some cases, completely imagined.
To make the necessary changes, I contacted researchers around the world, used common practical sense and reasoning, incorporated the amazing research from the Fascia Research Congress, pulled from my experience with cadaver dissection and so on.
It’s always been a challenge along the way to realize that what I was taught “was so”… was not and to reconceptualize what the technique.
Bringing in the research from the Neuromatrix Model and the info. from pain science (whether related to pain or not) is helping to advance what and how I instruct, but most importantly how I communicate with my patients and how I inform my students they need to also.
I’m a die hard manual therapist and wouldn’t be doing anything else. In my 22+ yrs of service, I have to say that this is the most exciting time I’ve experienced, where the sharing of information occurs so fast, it’s a struggle to keep up from one week to the next!
Keep helping people and keep changing lives!
PS: I truly am grateful to all those who registered for the Knee Course and are changing their patients lives with the techniques. The comments and testimonials are AMAZING! Thanks You!
Please enjoy this quick little video on “Crossing the Chasm.”
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