1. Look for dysfunctions of the SC JNT when assessing GH Complaints
BEFORE YOU TREAT the SC JNT Dysfunctions
2. Assess & Treat costoclavicular ligament at the anterior 1st rib just inferior to the clavicle
3. increase stretch tolerance of the ant GH Cap and LHB
If you’d like to see how we do this, You can find both of these instructional videos in my online course for the shoulder.
4. Remember that to effectively influence the ligamentous tissues of the FA Jnt cap you must get the joint into specific ranges to do so.
Iliofemoral 20 extension
Pubofemoral 50 abduction
Ischiofemoral 40 int rotation
5. Remember the research on skin fascia frictionless interface
If you are not 90 perpendicular or levering the joint, you will not have the most influence on the lig system.
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